Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Forgotten Rocks

Forgotten Rocks? Well, maybe not. I do, in fact, find these rocks at Risser's Beach quite unforgettable and have made it a mission, of sorts, to get to know them even better. No, it is not the rocks that are forgettable here, just i who is forgetful. Sometimes i will pick up shells and stones on my beach walks, only to find them weeks later when i put the same jacket back on and reach into the pockets agains. The same thing can happen with images. 
I shot this series of photos one fine, sunny afternoon and then completely forgot about them, moving on to the next thing and publishing more recent images instead. So it was a nice surprise when i was looking back through past files from a couple of weeks ago and found them (already selected and ready for editing) only to say, "Oh yeah, those pictures". 
Always check you old folders kids. Never know what you might find kickin' around back there. 

All Photos ©David Sorcher 2020
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 7, 2020

A Walk on a Winter Morning

The north winds have returned today (gusts up to 100 kilometers per hour!) to remind us Nova Scotians that, despite indications to the contrary, it is indeed still winter. But March came in like a lamb and has remained fairly soft and wooly ever since, so perhaps spring really is just around the corner. I tend to get out for winter adventuring regardless of bad weather (and sometimes specifically for it), but it was a somewhat warm and pleasant morning yesterday for a beach walk with my sweetie so we made the best of our good fortune. 
Risser's Beach is a frequent destination for our walks since it is just a couple of minutes down the road, so we threw on some clothes for a quick pre-breakfast hike. Of course quick is a relative term, especially for photographers, and so we passed two and half hours without even noticing. Though our grumbling bellies should have provided us with some clue of the time.
Risser's provides a fair bit of diversity within a relatively small geographic area. Wooded pathways, colorful rocky ocean outcroppings and tidal pools, a fair stretch of sandy beach as well as the river and estuary side with an elevated boardwalk, all provide a good variety of subjects and viewpoints for the photographic eye. Still, i am always surprised at the amount of unique compositions i can gather in this one small place on such a short and singular visit. 
Every visit provides something new to focus on as the tide washes new subject in and then away again, in the rhythmic dance of the ever-forming seascape.  

(please click on images for an enlarged gallery view)

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Path; Trail

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Rocks; Tidal Pool

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Seaweed; Mussels; Shell

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Quohog

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Seaweed

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Quohog; Shell

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Shell

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Shells; Moon Snail; Mussels; Seaweed

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Moon Snail; Shell; Seaweed

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Moon Snail; Shells

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Welk; Shell

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Shell; Sand; Quohog

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Ice; Leaf; Melt

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Petite Rivière

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Shadow

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Petite Rivière

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia

Risser's Beach; Nova Scotia; Atlantic Ocean

All Photos ©David Sorcher 2020
All Rights Reserved