Sunday, June 2, 2019


I've been a bit behind on my postings lately. Sorry about that. I do have a couple sitting in the wings, photos uploaded, but waiting to add a few words before presenting. Still, i wanted to get something out there in the blogosphere and it occurred to me that i haven't done an iPhoto post in some time. That's right, i'm still not doing iPhonography the "right" way. I've had an instagram account for some time now, but must admit my failure of getting into the swing of it. I still have yet to post a single image there. So instead of uploading cellphone photos immediately to the web as so many do, my iPhotos have a tendency to linger on my phone for weeks, months even, before i finally get around to uploading them to my computer and editing them for public viewing.
I am still not exactly sure what makes a certain subject or moment more suitable for iPhonography than my dedicated digital cameras. Sometimes it is simply a matter of the cellphone being the only camera at hand, but this is certainly not my only raison d'etre. There are times when i could have just as easily shot an image with my DSLR or mirrorless camera, but felt more inclined to capture the image with my cellphone. For me these are a specific type of imagery that i make specifically for internet consumption (i have never attempted to print any of my iPhotos, though i do know that a decent print of reasonable size can be had from these files if i wished). Is it a certain kind of light, colour relationship or graphic composition that says "iPhone me!"? I really don't know. But at times when i have felt this way i also tried taking the same image with my expensive DSLR only to find that in the end i preferred what i captured on the phone much more.
These are, for me, the polaroids of the 21st century, but still i feel no urgency to reveal them to the public immediately. And so i have dubbed them "Insta-nots" rather than Instagrams.
My wife Veronica takes the opposite approach. She began some time ago doing a picture-a-day on Instagram and though she has fallen off and back on that wagon numerous times i do admire her discipline and dedication to the project. But personally i like to let these images percolate and simmer for a while, maybe even ferment in the bottle for a bit before i bring them to the light of day. I have adopted one of her elements for this format though, that of naming each image, sometimes in a clever or punning way, sometimes perhaps not, but trying to involving the application of some kind of wordsmithing nonetheless. I am not sure why i feel more obligated to do this with my Insta-nots than with my other work, but it does add a bit of fun and challenge to the mix.
So these are a collection of my favorite iPhotos that i've made since arriving in Nova Scotia last fall. Though i have posted a few of these on my Facebook page during this period, the majority of these are getting their first viewing here and now. I hope you enjoy them.

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Bottles
All Bottled Up

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia
Afternoon Bowl of Delight

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Pictograph; Crescent Beach
Oceanic Pictographs

iPhoto; iPhonography; Apple; Quince; Grapes; Fruit of the Land; Nova Scotia
Fruit of the Land

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Ocean; Surf; Tide; Sea Foam; Crescent Beach
Foam Tide Sea

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Drumlin; Hirtle's Beach

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Seaweed; Hirtle's Beach
Seaweed Sea

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Tulips
Tulip Droop

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Crab; Crescent Beach
Jolly Roger

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Hirtle's Beach; Rose Hip
Hip by the Sea

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Hirtle's Beach; Gaff Point
Point of View

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Hirtle's Beach; Mussel; Surf
Surf and Turf

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia, 69; Apple Tree
Love 69

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Peppers
For the Love of Peppers

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Decay; Mold; Mould; Strawberries
Forgotten Strawberries

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Pepper
At the Heart of it All

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Twilight; LaHave Ferry; Propeller; LaHave River
Prop Dreams

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Shadow; Hand
Preparing the Feast

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Trees
Face to Face

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Shadow; Profile
Two Faces of Eve

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Frost; Inlet
A Frosty Vista

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Bottle; Lady Bug; Psychine
Lady Psychine

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Bones
Box O' Bones

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Glass; Skull
 Chilly Skully 

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; LaHave Ferry
(Primarily) Frozen

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; LaHave Ferry
Sun on a Cold Wet Deck

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Berries
Berried Treasure

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Coca Cola; Bottle
This is It

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Lichen; Old Man's Beard
A Lichen to a Rock

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Silver; Banana
Baroque Bananas

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Mona Lisa
Occult Smiles

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Glass; Vase
Frosty Refraction

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Bones; Skeleton
Reclining with Death

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Clouds
The Cotton Candy Sky

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; LaHave Ferry; LaHave River; Propeller
Props to the Sun

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Wasp
Wasp Shadow

iPhoto; iPhonography; Nova Scotia; Sunset; Vase
Vasey Sunset 

All Photos ©David Sorcher 2019

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