Saturday, July 27, 2019

Periwinkle Dreams

The periwinkle (Littorina littorea) is an edible gastropod mollusc common to shore on both sides of the Atlantic. Also know in varying parts of the world as winkles, buckies, willicks, wilks, kreukels or caracoles, they are considered a bit of a delicacy in parts of Europe, Africa and Asia.

I might try steaming these little fellas up sometime to see if they are really worth the trouble it takes to pluck their meat out one at a time with a pin, but for now i simply find them a wonderful photographic subject. Though their accessibility at low tide would certainly make them easy pickings for the evening's meal. I wonder if consuming them leads to periwinkle dreams...

(Please click on images for an enlarged gallery view)

All Photos ©David Sorcher 2019