Friday, March 25, 2016

Flower Power!

You have all probably noticed that Spring has sprung. Here in Cincinnati the Azaleas are just about done as the rest of the plant kingdom begins to explode in floral beauty. I guess i should be out and about documenting the blooming plants and trees, but i'm not. However, to honor the season, here are some pretty pictures of flowers shot up in Nova Scotia over the past few years. The first five are previously unpublished, the final six drawn from the archives of this blog. Breathe deep...stop to smell the flowers... 

(please click on images for an enlarged gallery view)

Flower; Nova Scotia

Flower; Nova Scotia

Flower; Nova Scotia

Flower; Nova Scotia

Flower; Nova Scotia

Flower; Nova Scotia

Flower; Nova Scotia; Lupins

Flower; Nova Scotia; Poppy

Flower; Nova Scotia

Flower; Nova Scotia

Flower; Nova Scotia; Bee

All Photos ©David Sorcher 2009-2015

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Nature Challenge?

So, if you are on Facebook regularly you have probably seen some of your friends doing a photographic "Nature Challenge". They are posting seven favorite nature shots, one a day for a week, and nominating others each day to do the same in order to flood Facebook with beautiful photography. It is a noble act, i suppose, but frankly i am not too fond of posting my non-commercial work on FB pages. Firstly, they don't look as good there as on other platforms and people are far too apt to appropriate your image for their own purposes in social media. But now i have been nominated twice to this challenge and feel i should respond in some way, so here are a few of my favorite nature images from the past few years. Such a choice is really not too easy for me and next week i might choose a completely different set of images, but here are today's choices with a few extra thrown in for breaking the rules of the game. 

(please click on images for an enlarged gallery view)

Photos ©2011-2015