Friday, August 2, 2013

More Trains Please....

Links ©David Sorcher 2010

I really thought i was done with the triptychs from the Halifax train yard shoot, but as i browsed through the files looking for some single image edits the polyptychs just kept presenting themselves to me. I 'm not really sure why i put this day's shoot on the self for so long because i am finding a lot of fun relationships that i really like here.
Assembling polyptychs is like fitting together a jig-saw puzzle and i try to find connecting lines and color relationships that tie the images to one another beyond their common content. 

The Rusty Rail Road ©David Sorcher 2010

I was reading someone else's photo blog just recently that asked the question, "What's your favorite f-stop to shoot and i really didn't know how to answer. I like the shallow depth of field in this piece, the way it isolates the object on the rail and mystifies the background, releases just a bit in the center panel and then pulls the eye back in the last frame for another close and insular inspection. But depth of field will change in my work as i feel appropriate to the content of the piece and i think i probably use deep depth of field as much as shallow. 

Heaven and Hell? ©David Sorcher 2010

This last one might seem a slight departure from my usual approach. In reality though not much has been done to these images to create the contrast of color. This is a train car specifically designed to hold automobiles. I found a large broke piece of a brake light cover lying on the floor of the car and used it as a filter for the two outward panels. The image in the center was already leaning towards a bluish color temperature, so i took it down from the 4500K it was shot at to 3500K for a study in complimentary contrast.